Selasa, 15 Maret 2016



There are a lot of words in English that look or sound alike but have very different meanings. Words that sound alike but are different in spelling, meaning or origin is called homophone. Writers often confuse and misuse these words. It’s helpful to use a dictionary to look up the meaning of the word in question. Here is the example of commonly misused words with definition.

1. Capital, Capitol:

Capital refers to a city, capitol to a building where lawmakers meet. Capital also refers to wealth or resources. 
- The capitol has undergone extensive renovations. ( gedung DPR telah mengalami renovasi besar-besaran.)
- The residents of the state capital protested the development plans.(Penduduk ibukota negara memprotes rencana pembangunan)

2. Accept, Except:

Accept is a verb meaning to receive. Except is usually a preposition meaning excluding. 
-I will accept all the packages . (Saya akan menerima semua paket)

Except is also a verb meaning to exclude. 
-Please except that item from the list.(Harap menerima barang yang berada di daftar)

3.everyone , every one:

Everyone means "each person"
- Everyone in the room must leave immediately(Semua orang di ruangan harus segera berangkat)

Every one refers to each thing or person indidually
- Mamat put every one of the eggs in the basket (Mamat menempatkan setiap salah satu telur dalam keranjang)


There are words that cause problems when the speaker is not able to distinguish between them. They are similiar in meaning or pronounciation but can not be used interchangeably.
Here is the example of confusingly related words with definition.

1. Good, Well

Good(adj) - is an adjective and is used to modify nouns and linking verbs
- I have a good essay.(Aku punya esai yang baik)

Well(adv) - is an adverb and is used to modify action verbs.
She sings well.(Dia bernyanyi dengan baik)

2. Many, Much 

Many - is used when referring to a large but definite number. Many refers to things that can be counted. 
 - I have too many shoes.(saya mempunya banyak sepatu) 

Much - is used when referring to something great in quantity, amount, extent or degree. Much refers to things that can not be counted. 
- You have too much time.(kamu mempunya banyak waktu)

3. Remind, Remember

Remind(v) – to cause a person to remember, cause (a person) to think of (someone or something).
- Remind me to return this book to the library.(ingatkan saya untuk mengembalikan buku ini ke perpustakaan)

Remember(v) – to recall to the mind with effort; think of again.
I remember to lock the door.(
Saya ingat untuk mengunci pintu)

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